Course Descriptions
AAD 260 - Applied Imaging, Raster Graphics
3 Credits
This course is designed to introduce the benefits, complexities and application of raster graphics, illustration and design within a creative explorative environment. The curriculum emphasizes both craft and visual problem solving. Emphasis is placed on the development of the student’s ability to apply creative thinking and contemporary techniques in creating meaningful and effective photographic illustrations and design. Course projects will emphasize use of computers, digital cameras and scanners.
- Course takes place within a Macintosh environment utilizing Adobe software.
- Students will be required to purchase art supplies and materials.
- Students may be required to print at a local service bureau.
MCC General Education: MCC-AH - Arts and Humanities (MAH), MCC-TL - Technological Literacy (MTL)
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Demonstrate innovation and creativity through the production of self-generated digital images.
2. Demonstrate understanding of how digital technology has impacted photographic and illustrative practices through independent research, practice and presentation of digital images.
3. Apply a comprehensive understanding of imaging techniques and methodologies through the generation and development of digital images.
Course Offered Fall, Spring
Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025